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1. I have a freckle on my lip.
2. I ran the Boston Marathon.
3. I respond to texts rapid fast.
4. I befriended an African Princess.
5. I can't remember hardly any lyrics to songs.

*Another thing you should know about me, I can't lie. Those were all truths.
Having started 4 businesses from elementary school through highschool, I know what it means to lead.
Previously I believed being an account manager meant purely managing.
I managed my high school cheer team, I managed 5 interns, I managed every group project, I managed debate teams, I managed my Celiac disease, and I managed everywhere I could.
Through time I learned the importance of becoming a leader as I manage.
In every project I work on, in every company I work with, I aim to be a leader instead of a manager. I love people and helping them succeed. I try to tailor each relationship to the individual and influence for good. I love people.

I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease when I turned 14, and my life has depended on organization ever since. Like fruit, it’s impossible to understand my flavor, passions, perspectives, and ideas until you crack me open a bit. I’ll help by providing 4 truths and a lie:

three things that bug me:
1. slow drivers
2. slow walkers
3. how slowly honey falls
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